Developing the frontend of a Web Application from A to Z with Typescript, Angular and MongoDB (PART B)

A variety of technologies are essential to develop a web application. In many cases developers have fragmented knowledge and face difficulties on how to put all the technologies together in order to develop a web application. This course is project-based and aims to teach the participants how to develop the frontend of a web application from A to Z with the use of the most powerful and open-source technologies: Typescript, Angular and MongoDB. During the course, participants will develop the frontend of a web application for the creation of announcements where there will be users with permissions to post announcements in specific categories and users who consume the announcements. It is noted that this course is the 2nd course of a program series.

28 hours
28 hours
6 - 16


  • Objectives

    Upon completion of this course the participants will :

    · Develop a web application frontend with the use of Typescript and Angular

    · Use MongoDB

    · Use Github and Heroku


  • Topics

    Εισαγωγή στη γλώσσα Typescript (*2)

    · Typescript vs Javascript

    · Constants Variables Objects and Enums

    · Types in TypeScript

    · Programming in TypeScript

    · Modules and Namespaces

    · Advanced Topics in TypeScript

    · Arrays Strong Typings and Tuples

    · Spread and Arrow Function Operator


    Εισαγωγή στο Material Design

    · Styling Angular Components

    · Tab Containers and Material Guards

    · Material Navigation Menus

    · Material Data Tables and Data Sources


    Εισαγωγή στην Angular (*3)

    · Angular Components and Templates

    · Angular Data Binding

    · Angular Services

    · Angular Routing


    Angular Forms

    · Angular Template Driven Forms

    · Angular Model Driven Forms

    · Angular Form Validation

    · Angular Custom Form Validation


    Προχωρημένη Angular

    · Component Inputs and Event Emiters

    · Observables

    · Built-In, Custom and Async Pipes

    · Templates and Containers


    RxJs (*4)

    · Σύνδεση με backend

    · Angular HTTP client

    · Observables

    · Javascript Reactive Extentions


    Akita Store

    · Store

    · Actions

    · Effects

    · Entities



    Stateless Authentication

    · JSON Web Tokens

    · Angular JWT Intetceptors

    · JWT Nodejs backend

    · Putting it all together


    Github, Heroku

    · Upload app to Github

    · Upload app to Heroku


    Course Closure

    · Recap and conclusions

    · Action plan

    · Course Evaluation


  • Participants

    This course is intended for students new to computer programming or experienced programmers who are new to client-side web development.


  • Methodology

    • Lecture
    • Discussion
    • Case study
    • Exercises
  • Other Details