Planning and Monitoring Projects By Mastering MS PROJECT

A practical approach for managing and monitoring projects through a case study using MS Project as a tool

Implementing projects is an integral part of every business of any size. Modern studies show that 50% of the companies’ workforce deals  with projects.

The modern and competitive business environment demands the best possible project efficiency which requires a professional approach to managing projects. This course addresses the basic principles in project management where at the same time participants learn through a case study how to plan and monitor a project by Mastering Microsoft Project. Therefore, during this practical approach  participants learn in depth how to use MS Project .

21 hours
21 hours
6 - 16



9 May 2025 8:15 - 16 May 2025 15:45
  • Date and Time

    Friday. 9/5/25 8:15 - 15:30 Thursday 15/5/25 8:15 - 15:30 Friday. 16/5/25 8:15 - 15:30
  • Objectives

    Upon completion the participants will:

    • Understand the definitions such as project, project management, work packages, knowledge areas, deliverables
    • Be able to design a project following project management principles and techniques and plan it using MS project as a tool
    • Understanding resources and how these can be assigned to tasks
    • Be able to cost activities and resources
    • Understand and “crash” the critical path
    • Be able to monitor the project
  • Topics

    Unit 1: Introduction
    The modern Era
    Your self—evaluation as a Project Manager!
    Our aim
    Project Management
    Work packages

    Unit 1: Introduction
    The modern Era
    Your self—evaluation as a Project Manager!
    Our aim
    Project Management
    Work packages

    Project Characteristics
    Project Life Cycle
    Cost and resources during the life of the project
    Stakeholders, Risk and Uncertainty

    Unit 2:
    Project Management Process and the role of  project manager
    Project management processes and PMBOK
    • Processes
    • Knowledge areas
    • The Project Manager’s characteristics
    Project Initiation Processes
    The Project Charter
    Initial statement of the project objective
    Getting ready to plan a project based on a case study

    Unit 3 Development of a new plan
    Starting a new plan, and setting its start date
    Setting nonworking days in the project calendar
    Entering the plan’s title and other properties
    Break down of tasks using WBS
    Key points

    Unit 4 Building a plan and using dependencies
    Using the 4 dependencies
    Defining tasks, durations and milestones
    Creating summary tasks for WPs
    Creating task dependencies with links
    Switching task scheduling from manual to automatic
    Checking the plan’s duration and finish date
    Documenting tasks
    Understanding Network Diagrams, Gannt Charts etc
    Key points

    Unit 5 Setting up resources & Costing
    Definition of Resources
    Adjusting working time in a resource calendar
    Setting up cost resources
    Documenting resources with notes
    Key points

    Unit 6 Assigning resources to tasks
    Assigning work resources to tasks
    Controlling work when adding or removing resource assignments
    Assigning cost resources to tasks
    Checking the plan’s duration, cost, and work
    Key points

    Unit 7: Critical Path & Baseline
    What is a critical Path?
    Methods of identifying the Critical Path
    “Crashing” the critical Path
    What is a baseline?
    How to establish a baseline

    Unit 8 Sharing information
    Customizing a Gantt Chart view
    Customizing a Timeline view
    Customizing reports
    Copying views and reports
    Key points

    Unit 9 Monitoring the plan
    Techniques for monitoring the plan
    Tracking progress with MS Project
    Key points

    Unit 10 Advanced scheduling techniques
    See task relationships with Task Path
    Adjusting task link relationships
    Setting task constraints
    Interrupting work on a task
    Adjusting working time for individual tasks
    Control task scheduling with task types
    Key points

    Unit 11 Fine-tuning your plan
    Deadline dates
    Fixed Costs (i.e. Down payments)
    Recurring task
    Managing the critical path
    Key points

    Unit 12 Levelling Resources
    Examining resource allocations over time
    Resolving resource overallocations manually
    Leveling overallocated resources
    Inactivating tasks
    Key points

    Unit 13 Organizing project details
    Sorting Project details
    Grouping Project details
    Filtering Project details
    Creating new tables
    Creating new views
    Key points

    Unit 14 Tracking progress on tasks and assignments
    Updating a baseline
    Tracking actual and remaining values for tasks and assignments
    Tracking timephased actual work for tasks and assignments
    Rescheduling incomplete work

    Unit 15 Viewing and reporting project status
    Identifying tasks that have slipped
    Examining task costs
    Examining resource costs
    Reporting project cost variance with a stoplight view

    Unit 16 Getting your project back on track
    Troubleshooting time and schedule problems
    Troubleshooting cost and resource problems
    Troubleshooting scope-of-work problems


    Project Characteristics
    Project Life Cycle
    Cost and resources during the life of the project
    Stakeholders, Risk and Uncertainty

    Unit 2:
    Project Management Process and the role of  project manager
    Project management processes and PMBOK
    • Processes
    • Knowledge areas
    • The Project Manager’s characteristics
    Project Initiation Processes
    The Project Charter
    Initial statement of the project objective
    Getting ready to plan a project based on a case study

    Unit 3 Development of a new plan
    Starting a new plan, and setting its start date
    Setting nonworking days in the project calendar
    Entering the plan’s title and other properties
    Break down of tasks using WBS
    Key points

    Unit 4 Building a plan and using dependencies
    Using the 4 dependencies
    Defining tasks, durations and milestones
    Creating summary tasks for WPs
    Creating task dependencies with links
    Switching task scheduling from manual to automatic
    Checking the plan’s duration and finish date
    Documenting tasks
    Understanding Network Diagrams, Gannt Charts etc
    Key points

    Unit 5 Setting up resources & Costing
    Definition of Resources
    Adjusting working time in a resource calendar
    Setting up cost resources
    Documenting resources with notes
    Key points

    Unit 6 Assigning resources to tasks
    Assigning work resources to tasks
    Controlling work when adding or removing resource assignments
    Assigning cost resources to tasks
    Checking the plan’s duration, cost, and work
    Key points

    Unit 7: Critical Path & Baseline
    What is a critical Path?
    Methods of identifying the Critical Path
    “Crashing” the critical Path
    What is a baseline?
    How to establish a baseline

    Unit 8 Sharing information
    Customizing a Gantt Chart view
    Customizing a Timeline view
    Customizing reports
    Copying views and reports
    Key points

    Unit 9 Monitoring the plan
    Techniques for monitoring the plan
    Tracking progress with MS Project
    Key points

    Unit 10 Advanced scheduling techniques
    See task relationships with Task Path
    Adjusting task link relationships
    Setting task constraints
    Interrupting work on a task
    Adjusting working time for individual tasks
    Control task scheduling with task types
    Key points

    Unit 11 Fine-tuning your plan
    Deadline dates
    Fixed Costs (i.e. Down payments)
    Recurring task
    Managing the critical path
    Key points

    Unit 12 Levelling Resources
    Examining resource allocations over time
    Resolving resource overallocations manually
    Leveling overallocated resources
    Inactivating tasks
    Key points

    Unit 13 Organizing project details
    Sorting Project details
    Grouping Project details
    Filtering Project details
    Creating new tables
    Creating new views
    Key points

    Unit 14 Tracking progress on tasks and assignments
    Updating a baseline
    Tracking actual and remaining values for tasks and assignments
    Tracking timephased actual work for tasks and assignments
    Rescheduling incomplete work

    Unit 15 Viewing and reporting project status
    Identifying tasks that have slipped
    Examining task costs
    Examining resource costs
    Reporting project cost variance with a stoplight view

    Unit 16 Getting your project back on track
    Troubleshooting time and schedule problems
    Troubleshooting cost and resource problems
    Troubleshooting scope-of-work problems

  • Participants

    Project Managers. Project Coordinators, Project Management Team members

  • Other Details

    There are no prerequisites for this course.

Price:€ 650.00

Subsidy: € 420.00

Total: € 230.00

Only beneficiaries of HRDA subsidy are exempted from VAT