Programming with Microsoft ADO.NET-Course 2389

This course will teach developers to build data-centric applications and Web services with Microsoft ADO.NET, Microsoft SQL Server 2000, and the Microsoft .NET Framework.

24 hours
3 days, 21 hours
4 - 16


  • Date and Time

    DAY 1 Module 1: Data-Centric Applications and ADO.NET •Design of Data-Centric Applications •ADO.NET Architecture •ADO.NET and XML Lab : Lab 1.1: Data-Centric Applications and ADO.NET Module 2: Connecting to Data Sources •Choosing a .NET Data Provider •Defining a Connection •Managing a Connection •Handling Connection Exceptions •Connection Pooling Lab : Lab 2.1: Connecting to Data Sources DAY 2 Module 3: Performing Connected Database Operations •Working in a Connected Environment •Building Command Objects •Executing Commands That Return a Single Value •Executing Commands That Return Rows •Executing Commands That Do Not Return Rows •Using Transactions Lab : Lab 3.1: Performing Connected Database Operations Module 4: Building DataSets •Working in a Disconnected Environment •Building DataSets and DataTables •Binding and Saving a DataSet •Defining Data Relationships •Modifying Data in a DataTable •Sorting and Filtering Lab : Lab 4.1: Building, Binding, Opening, and Saving DataSetsLab : Lab 4.2: Manipulating DataSets DAY 3 Module 5: Reading and Writing XML with ADO.NETThe following topics are covered in this module:Lessons •Creating XSD Schemas •Loading Schemas and Data into DataSets •Writing XML from a DataSet Lab : Lab 5.1: Working with XML Data in ADO.NET Module 6: Building DataSets from Existing Data SourcesThe following topics are covered in this module:Lessons •Configuring a DataAdapter to Retrieve Information •Populating a DataSet Using a DataAdapter •Configuring a DataAdapter to Update the Underlying Data Source •Persisting Changes to a Data Source •How to Handle Conflicts Lab : Lab 6.1: Retrieving Data into a Disconnected ApplicationLab : Lab 6.2: Retrieving and Updating Customers and Orders Data Module 7: Building and Consuming a Web Service That Uses ADO.NET •Building and Consuming a Web Service That Returns Data Lab : Lab 7.1: Troubleshooting an ADO.NET Application
  • Purpose

    This course will teach developers to build data-centric applications and Web services with Microsoft ADO.NET, Microsoft SQL Server 2000, and the Microsoft .NET Framework.
  • Objectives

    -Describe data-centric applications, ADO.NET architecture, and ADO.NET and XML. -Connect to SQL Server and other data sources. -Perform connected database operations including executing SELECT commands, database definition commands, dynamic SQL commands, and commands that return data from a SQL Server database in XML. -Build a DataSet schema, populate it with data, and modify the data programmatically. -Build a DataSet from an existing data source. -Use XML techniques while working with DataSets, including mapping tables and columns, creating XSD schemas, building strongly typed DataSets, and interacting with XMLDataDocuments. -Build a Web service that uses ADO.NET to query and update a data source. -Troubleshoot errors within an ADO.NET application.
  • Topics

    Module 1: Data-Centric Applications and ADO.NET Module 2: Connecting to Data Sources Module 3: Performing Connected Database Operations Module 4: Building DataSets Module 5: Reading and Writing XML with ADO.NETThe following topics are covered in this module:Lessons Module 6: Building DataSets from Existing Data SourcesThe following topics are covered in this module:Lessons Module 7: Building and Consuming a Web Service That Uses ADO.NET
  • Participants

    1.IT Managers 2.Professional Platform Developers 3. IT Professional, IT Technician 4.IT Administrator
  • Methodology

    1. Training 2.Discusions 3. Labs 4.Exercises
  • Other Details

    The course assumes that students have the following skills: •Understanding of relational database concepts: table, row, column, primary keys, foreign keys, constraints, and views •Data query and modification experience, including experience with SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE commands •Exposure to XML documents, style sheets, and schemas •Experience with Visual Basic .NET, Visual Basic for Applications, or previous versions of Visual Basic •Experience building user interfaces, including Web applications or Microsoft Windows applications